Is Indoor Skiing worth it?
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Is Indoor Skiing worth it?

People will argue that there is no substitute for real snow, which although I do agree with this statement, this doesn’t mean that there aren’t things to learn from visiting an indoor ski slope. Depending where you go, there are a number of different types of indoor skiing you can do. You can ski on artificially made snow indoors, which is the best alternative to skiing in the mountains on real snow, or else there is indoor skiing where you can ski on a brush-like material, also known as a ‘dry-slope’.

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  • Dry Slope - I can't say a dry slope feels much like normal skiing. It is an entirely different surface, and for anyone who has had any experience skiing, this won't feel anything like a substitute for a day in the mountains. Despite this, for beginners looking to learn the basics of skiing, and to find out what it's all about, I think even a dry slope has its advantages in teaching you balance, how to use your edges, and what it feels like to have these giant pieces of plastic/ wood stuck to your feet. You will be able to understand the feeling of turning, where and when to apply pressure when you’re turning, and what it is like to move at speed on skis.
  • Artificial Snow - Artificial snow has been getting much better over time. Although you can certainly tell the difference between artificially created snow and the real stuff that falls from the sky, for the sake of being able to ski, artificial snow is a fantastic creation! These indoor ski areas are the best option, as it is the closest you will get to the real thing. Visiting an indoor ski slope that creates artificial snow for the slopes are the best way to get the most realistic conditions for when you finally get to visit the mountains! Being able to practise skiing on actual snow will make all the difference when it comes to hitting the ground running when you reach the resort.

Is indoor skiing good for beginners?

In my opinion, indoor skiing is the best option for beginners, and given the size of indoor ski slopes as well as the steepness, beginners are the best suited for indoor skiing too. As I mentioned above, indoor skiing is an affordable and simple, hassle-free way of trying out skiing. If you don’t like it after a few hours, then great, you haven’t wasted a full weekend or a full week travelling to a ski resort, only to arrive at the same outcome. Indoor ski slopes are also a great option if you are trying to get your children into skiing, for the same reasons as above. If the kids don’t enjoy it, you’ve wasted a lot less time and money than if you had decided to take them straight to the mountains, only to watch them side down the mountains in tears because they don’t like the cold or wearing ski boots! (as comfortable as they may seem...)

Is indoor skiing expensive?

Compared to all the different cost associated with a ski holiday to the mountains, indoor skiing is relatively cheap. A lift pass will be more affordable, gear rental will generally be more affordable, and you won't have the expensive costs of accommodation or mountain restaurants to worry about.